Easy Config / Settings save and read class with caching PHP/Laravel
Photo by Emile Perron on Unsplash Commonly most web applications require save configs and settings . there are many ways and methods to save and retrieve configs and settings. today i will share with you my method to save and retrieve settings data in laravel application. Create migration and and Model php artisan make:model Settings -m in your migration file: add these fields: public function up () { Schema :: create ( 'settings' , function ( Blueprint $table ) { $table -> id (); $table -> string ( 'key' ); $table -> string ( 'value' ); $table -> unsignedBigInteger ( 'updated_user' )-> nullable (); $table -> timestamps (); }); } use 'updated_user' to track who changed value last time. you can also use 'text' or any suitable type to 'value' field I used string(varchar255) here. DB Model class <?php namespace A