
Showing posts from April, 2023

How to use Spatie packages to enhance your Laravel development experience

Spatie is a company(  that creates open source packages for Laravel, PHP and JavaScript. Spatie packages are useful for Laravel development because they provide solutions for common problems and tasks, such as managing user permissions and roles, backing up your app, transforming data for APIs, manipulating images and more. Spatie packages are easy to use, well documented and tested. You can find a list of Spatie packages on their website or on their GitHub page also . as a laravel developer i have using their packages for various tasks and fetures, they are really useful and life saving of the developer. Some of their most popular packages are laravel-permission,activity lo, laravel-backup, laravel-medialibrary.     < 1.      Laravel-Permission   One of the essential aspects of web application development is managing user permissions and roles. Laravel-Permission is a Spatie package that simplifies this process by prov...

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