laravel-dompdf print with text watermark in every page
I stuck with a problem that is print watermark text to every page. after searching various areas of internet i found a working solution to my problem. i'm now shearing it. so it will useful to someone who have same problem first you have to install laravel-dompdf wrapper. then need to add 'PDF' word to app config aliases list(rootfolder/config/app.php) 'PDF' => Barryvdh\DomPDF\ Facade :: class , import pdf class to controller(or any kind of class object) use PDF ; create pdf wrapper object by loading blade file to laravel-dompdf $pdf = PDF :: loadView ( 'print.view' , compact ( ' yourviewdata' )); set paper size (i set L means 'letter size') $pdf -> setPaper ( 'L' ); then need to render it(we can't call dompdf render function directly. we can use output function for that comes with laravel-dompdf $pdf -> output (); now this need to get core dompdf object from laravel-dompdf wrapper to get canvas(canvas need to ad